It is easy walking and talking on a computer, with a nice fire by my side. We are about to embark on the journey of a life time and with this trusty gadget, I hope to capture and record what happens, how it all unfolds. We are walking from Wiluna to Perth over ten weeks, a total
of 1250 kilometres. The walk is organised by Footprints for Peace; it's aim is to 'Walk away from uranium mining'.
My entire mothering has been about living with minimal resources so that I could learn and teach with my children how to live sustainably on the Earth. We lived for two years in a mud hut without electricity or running water. We then moved to a community and lived in similar conditions but now we had a long walk to get to our shack. At this point I should add that this way of living has sustained me deeply, given us many skills and understandings, and strengths. But Providence, God, did not fill my husband with the same understanding and for him these years of living outside of the system have been fruitless and frustrating. This is where my story of strength and connection with Spirit falls down. Our marriage has not fortified me or my husband.
Never the less he now works away and is making the money he always wanted to. The relevance is that much of my work has been unsupported and in the dark, so to speak. I have never let go of the light but the thing about mothers is we need support.
So now while I tackle the enormous packing challenge my body has been falling apart.
My tooth got pulled out the other day and now with an infection in my mouth all the messages come to one thing; looking after myself starting with what goes in it and what comes out of it, is critical to the rest of my reality. Good morning.
Heartfelt words Kristi. Love your writing keep it coming!
Walk softly upon the earth my sister, you are awe inspiring. Love to you and yours, Emxx