Saturday, 13 August 2011

Starting blog

This is it! I have known all my life that I would write a book and here I am writing a blog instead; sounds like something you would do on the toilet!
The wonders of technology; first, adults talking to themselves on "hands free phones" and now adults saying baby words with such seriousness. " Yes, I have started a a blog..."
Blog, bog, book, whatever, I'm coming out of my closet blogging.
I have been an Earth Mother long before I ever heard it coined as a term.  It happened with my pregnancy and just before that as a new consciousness swept my life up into a transformation that left my immediate family wondering what had happened to me.  At our wedding my father's speech included that he hoped John and marriage would "shake some sense into me". He did not know that I had promised my life to the quest for women's business, children, families and peace.  Fire walking was my initiation that awakened the tribal spirit in me.  There would be surrender and trust as my only foundations as I set myself adrift from the world of money; intentionally living without it. I worked when big bills came in.  Guided to pursue Indigenous Mind; the chords the first peoples played on eternity's strings, their ways of living can never be forgotten. They lie within us all in our DNA.

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