Monday, 26 May 2014



Earth Parenting is a philosophy formed from the understanding that before our culture discovered the Earth people, their parenting practices which shared common threads through out the world, created foundation for harmonious coexistence between themselves and their environment.

 In seeking to find this information, which is beyond the written word, my husband and I lived without running water or electricity with our small children for six years. I based this philosophy on what I call 'Indigenous mind'; simple in structure, complex in design.  It is completely relevant to our current world of complexity as it activates the heart intelligence that resides within us all.

This is the age of the great remembering; the return to our heart intelligence. Our collective agreement to reach Unity consciousness is upon us. More and more we collectively are turning back to the ancient people for their wisdom. There can be no coincidence here in the widespread seeking of this knowledge for these cultures lived in Unity consciousness already. What is occurring on the planet now is Planetary Unity consciousness.

In a way, it is a mindset to achieve an open heart. The mind filters our awareness and colours our reality. This heart intelligence is blocked by all this perception because our collective world view has hundreds of years of belief systems tied up in what we experience. Modern science has even discovered that the thoughts of our grandparents live in us now. Quantum physics has concluded that in order to change the future, we need to alter the past.

 So even our latest advances point towards the logical conclusion of instilling love into our children through acceptance of our parents and grandparents, even our ancestors.
Part of accepting the past is becoming acquainted with it. Our culture's past history continues while we remain within the consciousness of a culture that has for so long been disconnected from its heart intelligence. When the simple fact is looked at that Earth people lived so successfully for many millinea while this culture interrupted the fabric of life in the blink of time's eye, then we can look to these ancient ways with a reverence that allows us to see reality differently.  In that shift we then find our own culture's beauty and wisdom.

We will need both cultures' beauty and wisdom to navigate out of planetary chaos and towards Unity consciousness. There is no blame in the place of heart intelligence. There is no black and white, no good and bad; it simply is either connected to heart intelligence or disconnected to some extent.

 We need only to expand our awareness and raise our vibrational frequency. That's all we need to do. Both intentions are a life times work. Both lead us ever closer to increased happiness and joy, health and peace.

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