Sunday, 6 May 2012

Gathering momentum

Wait a moment Mum.
            In my family there has been an ongoing climate of tension between myself and my husband that is reflected in our children.  My work as mother has been a continual regrouping as we live in this pea soup of old patterns passed down through the generations.  My choice has been to stay united with my man, to work on myself, gathering momentum to break free of these patterns with the aid of prayer.

             Our children are our indicators of the 'weather patterns' of our energy bodies.  Under seven year olds are directly connected to the mother's field, while pre-teenaged children absorb and recreate it themselves.  Once they are teenagers they will work to refine it within they definitions of their morality and their own inherited karmic patterns.  At this stage the parents and significant adults will and can intentionally refine a child's emerging individual patterns.  With love, no patterns are locked in.  Our children are still growing in every way so really the only work to be done is the continuing effort by the parent to grow themselves and transform their own behavioural patterns.
              This work of the mother is the power of forbearance, something our generation has lost and is searching for again.  Women gave this power away with the feminist movement, which brought equality but turned its back on the ability to rise above the difficulties of a situation by holding peace for the bigger picture.  Too often I have reduced my spirit by engaging in the difficulties of the moment.  By recalibrating my view to this wider perspective, I find that answers are replacing my need to 'fix' things and the healing is transforming my family like magic.  I am aware of the patterns but more able to stand apart from them.  The momentum for change has its own order and like a snowball rolling down hill, it is easy, mostly. 

              When there are no 'what ifs', there is only the known and when I am open to that it becomes more obvious what to pray for.  The momentum of spiritual growth is natural when I expose myself;  when I become translucent, vulnerable as a flawed human being, I open myself up for healing.  It is a natural process.  I stand exposed with my short comings and then see how they have manifested in my children.  I feel these feelings, realise them and then they are released, freeing up love to do its work of magic.  This will gather momentum and transform us as a family.  I need only to stand aside and surrender to the power of forbearance. 

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1 comment:

  1. Very interesting to ponder. Love the paragraphs too. Hope your ear is all better after a restful sleep. See you tomorrow. I am very excited about Turkish bathing. Love you Kristi. Sal
