Sunday, 4 September 2011


WALKING TO THE BEAT OF MY HEART. We slept last night near a mine site. It's drone at first sounded like a very large truck approaching. The same sound has continued all night, without changing pitch or volume. It fills this quiet land with the persistant and relentless sound of a loud drone. There is no rhythm, no variation in pitch. It is monstrous; disturbing the surrounding land for miles. The earth itself now eminates this same persistant drone as our modern lifestyle merges together to form this cacophony of an unbroken roar that extends into space. We are desensitized through the process of vibrationally being bombarded by this relentless sound and vibration that energizes the modern world. One has to go a long way away from it to actually hear it. Or maybe not...maybe there is no need for the proof, there is enough indigestion in the pudding. As adults, our right brain does not like allowing in information that we can' t do anything with. Our thinking brain is so limited that it blocks the potential that we are. Our ability to love and feel can supersede this flaw. We can remember that Eve was framed and humanity was tricked out of our garden. We just need to acknowledge, without the attachment to what that acknowledging might mean, that this noise, this pollution and barage on country and stars, on indigenous peoples, is immoral and unsustainable. When we collectively accept this, God, Power, choose your own name; can transform the sickness into unimaginable possibilities. So under this dark and star spangled morning with a heavy plume of smoke just released by the mine curling above our camp, I sign off with peace in my heart and a cacophony in my head!

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