Tuesday, 15 April 2014


It is a free will universe so nature will give us our experiences based on our belief systems. Through many generations in our culture, we have been schooled in the understanding that nature is an unpredictable and wild place where we are potentially in danger. However that is not the reality of nature. Even though our modern documentaries focus of this exciting aspect of nature where it is survival of the fittest, the statistics of injury in nature do not support our collective fears.

Instead Nature tolerates our unsubstantiated fears by giving us the highest manifestation of them. Those with snake fears may simply have one cross their path. Someone scared of the dark will hear a noise. Another person perhaps scarred of spiders might freak to the sensation of something crawling on them only to find it was an ant. And so in this free will universe we have the right to be frightened of nature but nature has its own relationship with us which is above and beyond what we have interpreted through our collective myopic vision.

As we approach Unity consciousness, we are remembering that we are intrinsically linked with the natural environment around us. The older cultures of the world understand this deeply. The Earth is our mother and all its forms are sentient beings with their own spirit forms. When we, as individuals, raise our vibrational level through uncluttered thinking, being present and surrendering to our heart intelligence; we begin to reach Unity consciousness. Our ability to manifest our reality becomes increasingly obvious as we reach this state.

We naturally vibrate at the same frequency as Nature. When we enter natural environments we potentially extend our experiential field. If we are able to surrender our fears the experience in nature will be nothing less than sublime. However for many of us the fears will be deep; having been inherited, they often lie dormant, hidden in obscure places in our psyches. All fears separate us from our potential experience with love. What we don't deal with we hand on to our children, like unpaid bills. So by design our children will on some level, bring these fears to the light.

This generation we are given so much help with this ancestral processing. All we need to do is to be open to letting it be released by understanding that we hold onto it when we block Nature from our lifestyle. Step by step we are invited to reclaim this relationship with the wild. We are invited to gently push past our comfort zones.  We will find guides waiting to take us further. They could be our children, or our spouse. They could be just a natural sign at the place in nature we venture to.

 When we observe the elements as we would if our life depended on them, we activate an ancient listening skill that lies dormant mostly in modern life.  By remembering that our shadow is death, we rekindle this communion. Then we can walk as spirit in a human body; alert and in love as Nature itself is. Held in the primordial dance of peaceful attention, vibrating with the eternal consciousness of love itself.